Monday, June 29, 2009

The Blessed at MAX'S

June 30th, 1979

I went to see the Blessed at Max's. I can honestly say I think I enjoyed this show the most.It was a very relaxed atmosphere and the show was so good. I really mad at Howie Pyro but not anymore. was actually kind of sweet last night. I had planned to go to England in September to stay with a penpal and Howie is going at the same time. At least that is one way of assuring that I don't miss any Blessed shows.

Billy Stark was also super nice. He gave me his address because I have to send him a fan letter a penpal of mine wrote him. I could have killed Billy because he said Manhatten during a song and he knows how much I hated that movie and he loved it. So during the secong set I put up a sign for Grease since he hated that movie so much I loved it. I sat through Grease 5 times on 1 weekend. One day I sat through 3 showings and the next day 2 showings. I love it so much. Billy said he was laughing all during the first song when he saw my Grease sign.

I met a penpal of mine from South Carolina - Aldyth. It was really weird to meet her. She is a Bowie penpal but she is really in love with Howie Pyro. I am not too sure that she likes me too much. I was really possessive of the Blessed. I can't help it - I love them so much. Howie has really improved on the stage, I can not believe how much better he has gotten. And I finally got a guitar pic from him since he never has any.

Billy told me something so depressing. He told me the Blessed broke up 2 weeks ago and Howie was kicked out the band. So Billy said he would commit suicide since he could never play in another band. He didn't tell me the whole story but he said he will. God - If there were never any more Blessed I would die.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

More David Jo

June 23rd, 1979

I went to see the David Johansen Band at Dover, NJ . I swore I would not go back to that place either but I can not help it, that is where all the bands are playing and I can not miss them. A nightmare occurred. I was not able to stand underneath Tommy Trask but I got pretty close. He did step over just so he could hand me a guitar pic. Oh how thoughtful. They did alot of new songs that were really good. It was so strange to not see Johnny & Buzzy up there playing. I spoke with Frankie LaRocka after the show and he is so nice. Tommy Trask never even said hello. He can be such a bastard sometimes.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

More Ramones....

June 22nd, 1979

Went to see the Ramones at the Fast Lane in Asbury Park even tho I swore I would not go there any more or to any more shows. I was telling everyone it was my last Ramones show. Johnny Ramone was so cute tho. I got a broken guitar string from Johnny. I had a few fights with Matt the roadie. I don't know what is wrong with him lately. He was so nice in the beginning.


Monday, June 1, 2009

New Top 10 List

June 20th, 1979

My New Top 10 List
  1. David Bowie
  2. Iggy Pop
  3. Debby Harry
  4. Billy Stark
  5. Howie Pyro
  6. Brad Barnett
  7. Johnny Ramone
  8. Tommy Trask
  9. Richard Hell
  10. Walter Lure