Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Reedited Version - Change of Plans

Sept 23rd, 1979

Reedited to include the entire page and not the edited version.

I called up Billy for a change. I must be nuts or something. So I told him there was a chance I would be going to Max's so to go and I would give him the movie films if I was there. Well I was all ready to go to the Ramones and all of a sudden I just had to go to Max's instead. I saw Billy there. I saw The Heat and the 2 Timers. I offered Billy a ride home after but he said he was not going home. I have this horrible feeling that he left with some sleezy waitress. I am actually going insane over Billy. I feel he has turned my life upside down. Well I will try not to call him this week but obviously my word is not good. I know I won't be writing Billy anymore letters since he does not appreciate them. Over all, the night was kind of borning. Not too much going on. I should have gone to the Ramones. It was have been such a better night.

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